

Idag hade jag en ganska vanlig fredag faktiskt, om man tänker på jobbtiderna. Jobbade 7.15-5 vilket var helt okej. Innan jag tog med B till dansen så förberedde jag en lussebullsdeg så den skulle vara redo tills Sara, Jill och jills yngsta värdbarn skulle komma och baka. Fick lite panik för jag trodde jag hade för mycket mjöl först, så hällde i lite extra av allt annat och sen fick jag panik igen för att jag insåg att jag inte hade haft i för mycket mjölk från första början. Lussebullarna blev väldigt bra iallafall, och så blev även knäcken och kladdkakemuffinsen vi bakade. Tycker synd om Jill som inte kunde smaka något pga hennes diet. Eller utåt var jag ledsen för hennes skull men på insidan skrattade jag ondskefullt när jag smakade den perfekta knäcken som hon hade gjort.

När de hade åkt hen igen så tog jag och B en nap innan de stora kom hem. Blev då snacks och chores och sen kollade de på TV i 30 min innan vi spelade lite spel tills jag slutade. Efter att jag slutat gjorde jag mig redo för min första basketmatch, någonsin faktiskt, med Alina. Det var Austin Spurs som mötte Texas Legends, inte för att det säger så mycket haha. Men Austin Spirs vann vilket var kul!!

På vägen hem stannade vi till på HEB och handlade saker till smoores och sen mötte vi upp Amanda, Frida och Connie hemma hos oss. Vi satte oss sen nere vid båtarna och åt smoores och snackade skit! Alina smakade sin första smoore och Connie smakade sin första marshmallow??? Galet värre men tydligen så har dom inte det i Chile hahah!

En väldigt mysig fredagskväll! 😍 

Imorgon ska jag sova ut och antagligen sticka till gymmet innan jag börjar jobba klockan 4. Ska nog ta med ungarna till Jill efter middagen då hon också jobbar, och låta ungarna leka till läggdags. Slutar 12 imorgon och jag och Jill är sugna på att ta vara på en av mina få lördagar kvar här, så vi får se vad som händer efter 12! Godnatt 😘


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Going through the maze of the Social Security Disability application system may be an intimidating task for some. The procedure may be frustrating and difficult, as well as the likelihood of getting declined are great. That's where a social security disability legal professional is available in. A lawyer makes it possible to navigate the application form process, raise your likelihood of becoming approved, and appeal a denied claim. In this essay, we're going to reveal a few subjects pertaining to the position of a social security disability law firm.

Finding your way in regards to the the Social Security Disability application process with the aid of a legal professional
The social security disability application processes may be confusing furthermore stressful. A legal professional makes it possible to comprehend the requirements and show you through the method. They can also allow you to gather the required medical facts and proof to aid your claim. They could also help in organize someone for the proceeding, if required.

The necessity of healthcare evidence in a Social Security Disability claim
Medical evidence is vital in a social security disability claim. It is utilized to show that you currently have a medical condition that prevents you against performing. A lawyer will allow you to assemble the required medical proof and present it in a fashion that is most probably to be approved because of the social security governing administration. They could also allow you to obtain medical records along with other files that maintain your case.

Prevalent wrong ideas concerning Social Security Disability and just how a legal professional can really help
There are numerous wrong ideas regarding social security disability. For instance, lots of people think that only those people who are permanently disabled are entitled to benefits. Although, this isn't true. A lawyer will allow you to comprehend the eligibility requirements and dispel any misconceptions you may possibly have. They can also provide help with just how to present your case when you look at the most favorable light.

The appeals plan for rejected Social Security Disability cases and just how legal counsel can help
In the event the claim is denied, you've got the directly to appeal. Legal counsel makes it possible to comprehend the appeals strategy and portray you during the hearing. They are able to also help you gather additional evidence and build a stronger case to improve your chances of triumph.

How to pick the best Social Security Disability lawyer or attorney for your case
It is important to choose legal counsel who's got knowledge approaching social security disability matters. Seek out a lawyer who is familiar with the social security administration's procedures and procedures. It's also advisable to feel comfortable chatting with them and trust their judgment. Search for a legal professional who is able to create clear and sincere advice to your questions and supply assistance during the method.

In summary, a social security disability law firm can play a vital role within the application and appeals process. They could allow you to traverse the method, enhance your odds of getting authorized, and appeal a denied claim. A legal professional can also help you recognize the eligibility needs and run off any wrong ideas you've probably. You need to choose legal counsel who's got experience managing social security disability situations, sufficient reason for that you feel safe communicating.

Should you want to know more about this specific subject matter come to some ssa lawyer web-site:

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